Tuesday, September 18, 2007

What's In a Name?

Why TheFlybrarian?

Well it's a short story from long ago. Each year the Murdoch University Library Social Club hosts a MidWinter Lunch. The year of 2002/3 someone told me there was a prize for fancy dress . Curiously not many others had been told this. On that day the Flybrarian was born. Here he is. If you need speak to him I can contact with him by shining a light into the clouds with a Fly icon on it.
The Poster was done by Ross Harper. Thanks Ross.

1 comment:

Gwyn Hannay said...

Hah, for some reason I thought it has something to do with Second Life... I think that's because when I first started working here I discovered your name and Second Life in the one go. Either that or it was something Kathryn had on a flier about Second Life...