Thursday, September 20, 2007

Fly 1 - Student 0

Recent events in the Reference Collection attest to conflict between the Common House Fly and an unnamed student.

Now, I will be the first to admit that Flys can be annoying. But a Karate Kick is not the most effective way to dispose of them. Especially when there is a window in the way.

The Flybrarian is most disturbed by these events. Perhaps not so much that a window was broken. But that such force was unleased against a fellow wingedone.

Here are some formats that may have helped avoid such heinous events.

Conflict resolution

The handbook of conflict resolution : theory and practice

Negotiation as a social process

Negotiation in social conflict

The Fly


Jeannie said...

I'm convinced that the Fly attacking poor innocent students in the Reference Collection, causing them and all adjacent windows to crack up, was secretly the Flybrarian. Flybrarian and future serial pest?

Callmesir said...

Can I have a cheat sheet for the emergency evacuation please so I wont be a fired librarian